TaikoTaikai からもう1週間。私にとっては就学旅行でディズニーランドに行ったと同じくらい楽しい1日でした。前夜はこの日のことを思うと興奮して寝れず、この日の夜は楽しかった一日のことあれこれと頭の中を駆けずり回り、また眠れなかった。一緒に行ったあきちゃんも同じだったらしい(笑)
大会の前半はティファニー・タマリブチさん (Facebook) 作曲のテーマ曲「Go for Broke」を何人もの人が演奏されたけどまるで違う曲かと思うほど、人によって違うのに驚いた。
おまけに鼓童の住吉佑太さん (Yuta Sumiyoshi (@yutasumiyoshi) • Instagram photos and videos) もいらっしゃって、みんな興奮状態!私達が泊まったホテルには、大谷選手や山本選手の名前が入ったドジャーズのジャージを着ている日本人で賑わっていた。日本から野球観戦に来た観光客なんだろうと思った。
-One week has passed since TaikoTaikai. It was a day as enjoyable as going to Disneyland on a school trip for me. The night before, I was so excited I couldn't sleep thinking about the day ahead. And on that night, thoughts of the fun day kept swirling in my head, making it hard to sleep again. It seems Aki chan who came with me had the same experience (lol).
In the first half of the competition, many people performed the theme song "Go for Broke" composed by Tiffany Tamaribuchi, but I was surprised by how different it sounded depending on the person.
The performance by the advanced group in the afternoon was of their own composition. Not only were they skilled at taiko, but the compositions themselves were wonderful. I was impressed. Even though everyone was hitting the same big drum, there were various sounds, different playing techniques, and you could feel the energy as you listened, enjoying it with your whole body.
I met a lot of people from various taiko communities and had meaningful days.
As a big bonus, Yuta Sumiyoshi from Kodo was there, and everyone was in an excited state! The hotel we stayed in was bustling with Japanese people wearing Dodgers jerseys with the names of players like Ohtani and Yamamoto. they must be tourists from Japan here to watch baseball.
There is no doubt I'd pick Yuta Sumiyoshi instead.
(English translation done by bot)